Adam Cooper 60793326fb Various changes
- [X11] Fix backspace behavior
- [bin] Remove 'insecure' flag from curl commands in w3m-wallabagger script
- [aerc] Update column formatting
- [aerc] Update mailinglist tag
- [newsboat] Add macro to launch mpv for podcasts
- [vim] Tweaks for Python & HTML/CSS
- [xmobar] Update xmobarrc
- [xmonad] Replace xterm with alacritty
- [zsh] gomphotherium
2023-05-17 02:17:02 -04:00

22 lines
1 KiB
Executable file

/usr/sbin/keepassxc &
sleep 16
/usr/sbin/cbatticon &
/usr/sbin/nextcloud &
/usr/sbin/nm-applet --no-agent &
/usr/sbin/pasystray &
/usr/sbin/blueman-applet &
/home/adam/.local/bin/alacritty --title 001 & sleep 5 && sh -c "wmctrl -r 001 -t 3"
/home/adam/.local/bin/alacritty msg create-window --title btm --command btm --battery --color default-light & sleep 5 && sh -c "wmctrl -r btm -t 1"
# /usr/sbin/qutebrowser --restore home & sleep 5 && sh -c "wmctrl -r qutebrowser -t 2"
# /usr/sbin/qutebrowser & sleep 5 && sh -c "wmctrl -r qutebrowser -t 2"
# /usr/sbin/firefox-developer-edition & sleep 5 && sh -c "wmctrl -r firefox -t 2"
# /usr/sbin/xterm -fa 'Fantasque Sans Mono:size=6' -e btm --battery --color default-light & sleep 5 && sh -c "wmctrl -r btm -t 1"
# /usr/sbin/xterm -e newsboat & sleep 5 && sh -c "wmctrl -r newsboat -t 4"
# /usr/sbin/xterm -e joplin & sleep 5 && sh -c "wmctrl -r joplin -t 5"
# /usr/sbin/xterm -e neomutt & sleep 5 && sh -c "wmctrl -r neomutt -t 3"
# /usr/sbin/xterm -e aerc & sleep 5 && sh -c "wmctrl -r aerc -t 3"