Adam Cooper 204736eceb First commit
Completed interpreter, through chapter 4
2023-07-22 15:40:21 -04:00

267 lines
6.9 KiB

class LoopBreak(Exception):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('`break` outside a loop')
class LoopContinue(Exception):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('`continue` outside a loop')
class FuncReturn(Exception):
def __init__(self, val):
super().__init__('`return` outside a function')
self.val = val
def parse_expr(s: str, idx: int):
idx = skip_space(s, idx)
if s[idx] == '(':
# a list
idx += 1
l = []
while True:
idx = skip_space(s, idx)
if idx >= len(s):
raise Exception('unbalanced parenthesis')
if s[idx] == ')':
idx += 1
idx, v = parse_expr(s, idx)
return idx, l
elif s[idx] == ')':
raise Exception('bad parenthesis')
# an atom
start = idx
while idx < len(s) and (not s[idx].isspace()) and s[idx] not in '()':
idx += 1
if start == idx:
raise Exception('empty program')
return idx, parse_atom(s[start:idx])
def skip_space(s: str, idx: int):
while True:
save = idx
while idx < len(s) and s[idx].isspace():
idx += 1
if idx < len(s) and s[idx] == ';':
idx += 1
while idx < len(s) and s[idx] != '\n':
idx += 1
if idx == save:
return idx
def parse_atom(s):
# TODO: implement this
import json
return ['val', json.loads(s)]
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return s
def pl_parse(s):
idx, node = parse_expr(s, 0)
idx = skip_space(s, idx)
if idx < len(s):
raise ValueError('trailing garbage')
return node
def name_lookup(env, key):
while env:
current, env = env
if key in current:
return current
raise ValueError('undefined name')
def pl_eval(env, node):
if not isinstance(node, list):
assert isinstance(node, str)
return name_lookup(env, node)[node]
if len(node) == 0:
raise ValueError('empty list')
if len(node) == 2 and node[0] == 'val':
return node[1]
if node[0] == 'var' and len(node) == 3:
_, name, val = node
scope, _ = env
if name in scope:
raise ValueError('duplicated name')
val = pl_eval(env, val)
scope[name] = val
return val
if node[0] == 'set' and len(node) == 3:
_, name, val = node
scope = name_lookup(env, name)
val = pl_eval(env, val)
scope[name] = val
return val
if node[0] in ('do', 'then', 'else') and len(node) > 1:
new_env = (dict(), env)
# TODO: Why is Smith using the same variable name for the array items
# and their evaluations? Try using a different variable name for the
# latter.
for val in node[1:]:
val = pl_eval(new_env, val)
return val
import operator
binops = {
'+': operator.add,
'-': operator.sub,
'*': operator.mul,
'/': operator.truediv,
'eq': operator.eq,
'le': operator.le,
'and': operator.and_,
'or': operator.or_,
if len(node) == 3 and node[0] in binops:
op = binops[node[0]]
return op(pl_eval(env, node[1]), pl_eval(env, node[2]))
unops = {
'-': operator.neg,
'not': operator.not_,
if len(node) == 2 and node[0] in unops:
op = unops[node[0]]
return op(pl_eval(env, node[1]))
if len(node) in (3, 4) and node[0] in ('?', 'if'):
_, cond, yes, *no = node
no = no[0] if no else ['val', None]
new_env = (dict(), env)
if pl_eval(new_env, cond):
return pl_eval(new_env, yes)
return pl_eval(new_env, no)
if node[0] == 'loop' and len(node) == 3:
_, cond, body = node
ret = None
while True:
new_env = (dict(), env)
if not pl_eval(new_env, cond):
ret = pl_eval(new_env, body)
except LoopBreak:
except LoopContinue:
return ret
if node[0] == 'break' and len(node) == 1:
raise LoopBreak
if node[0] == 'continue' and len(node) == 1:
raise LoopContinue
# function definition
if node[0] == 'def' and len(node) == 4:
_, name, args, body = node
# sanity checks
for arg_name in args:
if not isinstance(arg_name, str):
raise ValueError('bad argument name')
if len(args) != len(set(args)):
raise ValueError('duplicated arguments')
# add the function to the scope
dct, _ = env
key = (name, len(args))
if key in dct:
raise ValueError('duplicated function')
dct[key] = (args, body, env)
# function call
if node[0] == 'call' and len(node) >= 2:
_, name, *args = node
key = (name, len(args))
fargs, fbody, fenv = name_lookup(env, key)[key]
# args
new_env = dict()
for arg_name, arg_val in zip(fargs, args):
new_env[arg_name] = pl_eval(env, arg_val)
# call
return pl_eval((new_env, fenv), fbody)
except FuncReturn as ret:
return ret.val
# return
if node[0] == 'return' and len(node) == 1:
raise FuncReturn(None)
if node[0] == 'return' and len(node) == 2:
_, val = node
raise FuncReturn(pl_eval(env, val))
if node[0] == 'print':
return print(*(pl_eval(env, val) for val in node[1:]))
raise ValueError('unknown expression')
def pl_parse_prog(s):
return pl_parse('(do ' + s + ')')
def test_eval():
def f(s):
return pl_eval(dict(), pl_parse_prog(s))
assert f('1') == 1
assert f('(+ 1 3)') == 4
assert f('(? (lt 1 3) "yes" "no")') == "yes"
assert f('(print 1 2 3)') is None
assert f('''
;; first scope
(var a 1)
(var b (+ a 1))
;; a=1, b=2
;; new scope
(var a (+ b 5)) ;; name collision
(set b (+ a 10))
;; a=1, b=17
(* a b)
''') == 17
assert f('''
(def gauss (n)
(if (le n 0)
(then 0)
(else (+ n (call gauss (- n 1))))))
(call gauss 5)
''') == 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1
assert f('''
(def gauss (n) (do
(var r 0)
(loop (gt n 0) (do
(set r (+ r n))
(set n (- n 1))
(return r)
(call gauss 5)
''') == 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1
test_eval() # Run this file as python `/path/to/`; should work