[neovim] Install octo.nvim (and some formatting)

This commit is contained in:
Adam Cooper 2024-04-03 08:46:35 -04:00
parent 1f3249a316
commit 6f83e32406
1 changed files with 75 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ vim.opt.clipboard = "unnamedplus,unnamed"
-- Spaces indentation
vim.opt.expandtab = true -- converts tabs to spaces
vim.opt.tabstop = 4 -- tab equals 4 spaces
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4 -- indent size in characters
vim.opt.tabstop = 4 -- tab equals 4 spaces
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4 -- indent size in characters
-- Show whitespace (:list)
vim.opt.listchars = "eol:¬,tab:>-,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<,space:·"
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ vim.opt.directory = ".swp/," .. HOME .. "/.swp/,/tmp//"
-- netrw
-- This is the workspace file explorer
vim.g.netrw_winsize = 25 -- width of the file explorer
vim.g.netrw_winsize = 25 -- width of the file explorer
vim.g.netrw_liststyle = 3 -- tree style listing
-- Sane vim split naviagation (via Gaslight blog)
@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ vim.keymap.set("t", "<c-h>", "<c-\\><c-n><c-w>h", { noremap = true, desc = 'Go t
vim.keymap.set("t", "<c-l>", "<c-\\><c-n><c-w>l", { noremap = true, desc = 'Go to window to the right' })
{"n", "t"},
{ "n", "t" },
function ()
-- This restores the UI to the saved layout 'idelayout' (if it exists)
if vim.fn.exists("idelayout") ~= 0 then
vim.cmd("exec idelayout")
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ vim.keymap.set(
local terminalgroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("TerminalGroup", { clear = true })
{"TermOpen", "TermEnter"},
{ "TermOpen", "TermEnter" },
group = terminalgroup,
pattern = "*",
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ require("lazy").setup({
name = "dracula",
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
config = function ()
config = function()
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ require("lazy").setup({
event = "VeryLazy",
config = function()
-- Configuration here, or leave empty to use defaults
-- Configuration here, or leave empty to use defaults
@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ require("lazy").setup({
event = "VeryLazy",
opts = {},
config = function(_, opts) require'lsp_signature'.setup(opts) end
config = function(_, opts) require 'lsp_signature'.setup(opts) end
{ "folke/neodev.nvim", opts = {} },
{ "folke/neodev.nvim", opts = {} },
dependencies = { "mfussenegger/nvim-dap", "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio" },
@ -274,7 +274,8 @@ require("lazy").setup({
-- After install, build it and rename the dist directory to out
build = "npm install --legacy-peer-deps --no-save && npx gulp vsDebugServerBundle && rm -rf out && mv dist out",
build =
"npm install --legacy-peer-deps --no-save && npx gulp vsDebugServerBundle && rm -rf out && mv dist out",
version = "1.*",
@ -318,10 +319,10 @@ require("lazy").setup({
{ "leoluz/nvim-dap-go", event = "VeryLazy" },
{ "williamboman/mason.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" },
{ "leoluz/nvim-dap-go", event = "VeryLazy" },
{ "williamboman/mason.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" },
{ "williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" },
{ "nvimdev/lspsaga.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" },
{ "nvimdev/lspsaga.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" },
event = "VeryLazy",
@ -330,7 +331,8 @@ require("lazy").setup({
build = "cmake -S. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build build --config Release && cmake --install build --prefix build",
build =
"cmake -S. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build build --config Release && cmake --install build --prefix build",
@ -347,8 +349,20 @@ require("lazy").setup({
{ "tpope/vim-fugitive", event = "VeryLazy" },
{ "tpope/vim-fugitive", event = "VeryLazy" },
{ "lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" },
requires = {
config = function()
event = "VeryLazy",
{ "famiu/bufdelete.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" },
@ -385,13 +399,13 @@ vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>fg', builtin.live_grep, { desc = 'Telescope: live g
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>fb', builtin.buffers, { desc = 'Telescope: buffers' })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>fh', builtin.help_tags, { desc = 'Telescope: help tags' })
require "lsp_signature".setup()
--[[ nvim-cmp
nvim-cmp is a text completion engine.
local cmp = require'cmp'
local cmp = require 'cmp'
sources = {
@ -452,6 +466,11 @@ cmp.setup.cmdline(':', {
-- Neodev
library = { plugins = { "nvim-dap-ui" }, types = true },
--[[ nvim-lspconfig
@ -483,10 +502,10 @@ local lua_ls_setup = {
local capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities()
local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')
lspconfig.gopls.setup {capabilities = capabilities}
lspconfig.gopls.setup { capabilities = capabilities }
lspconfig.pyright.setup {capabilities = capabilities}
lspconfig.tsserver.setup {capabilities = capabilities}
lspconfig.pyright.setup { capabilities = capabilities }
lspconfig.tsserver.setup { capabilities = capabilities }
lspconfig.rust_analyzer.setup {
-- Server-specific settings. See `:help lspconfig-setup`
capabilities = capabilities,
@ -499,8 +518,8 @@ lspconfig.rust_analyzer.setup {
local capabilities_html = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
capabilities_html.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true
require'lspconfig'.html.setup {
capabilities = capabilities_html,
require 'lspconfig'.html.setup {
capabilities = capabilities_html,
-- Global mappings : Diagnostics
@ -514,9 +533,9 @@ vim.keymap.set('n', '<space>q', vim.diagnostic.setloclist, { desc = 'Diagnostic:
local _border = "single"
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/hover"] = vim.lsp.with(
vim.lsp.handlers.hover, {
border = _border
vim.lsp.handlers.hover, {
border = _border
-- TODO: Is this necessary? Or is signature help being handled with LSPSaga?
@ -528,8 +547,8 @@ vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/signatureHelp"] = vim.lsp.with(
float = { border = _border, max_width = 120 }
vim.diagnostic.config {
float = { border = _border, max_width = 120 }
-- Use LspAttach autocommand to only map the following keys
-- after the language server attaches to the current buffer
@ -568,7 +587,7 @@ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
signs = {
signs = {
add = { text = '' },
change = { text = '' },
delete = { text = '_' },
@ -576,27 +595,27 @@ require('gitsigns').setup({
changedelete = { text = '~' },
untracked = { text = '' },
signcolumn = true, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_signs`
numhl = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_numhl`
linehl = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_linehl`
word_diff = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_word_diff`
watch_gitdir = {
signcolumn = true, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_signs`
numhl = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_numhl`
linehl = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_linehl`
word_diff = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_word_diff`
watch_gitdir = {
follow_files = true
attach_to_untracked = true,
current_line_blame = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_current_line_blame`
current_line_blame_opts = {
attach_to_untracked = true,
current_line_blame = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_current_line_blame`
current_line_blame_opts = {
virt_text = true,
virt_text_pos = 'eol', -- 'eol' | 'overlay' | 'right_align'
delay = 1000,
ignore_whitespace = false,
current_line_blame_formatter = '<author>, <author_time:%Y-%m-%d> - <summary>',
sign_priority = 6,
update_debounce = 100,
status_formatter = nil, -- Use default
max_file_length = 40000, -- Disable if file is longer than this (in lines)
preview_config = {
sign_priority = 6,
update_debounce = 100,
status_formatter = nil, -- Use default
max_file_length = 40000, -- Disable if file is longer than this (in lines)
preview_config = {
-- Options passed to nvim_open_win
border = 'single',
style = 'minimal',
@ -604,10 +623,10 @@ require('gitsigns').setup({
row = 0,
col = 1
yadm = {
yadm = {
enable = false
on_attach = function(bufnr)
on_attach = function(bufnr)
local gs = package.loaded.gitsigns
local function map(mode, l, r, opts)
@ -621,29 +640,30 @@ require('gitsigns').setup({
if vim.wo.diff then return ']c' end
vim.schedule(function() gs.next_hunk() end)
return '<Ignore>'
end, {expr=true, desc='GitSigns: go to next hunk'})
end, { expr = true, desc = 'GitSigns: go to next hunk' })
map('n', '[c', function()
if vim.wo.diff then return '[c' end
vim.schedule(function() gs.prev_hunk() end)
return '<Ignore>'
end, {expr=true, desc='GitSigns: go to previous hunk'})
end, { expr = true, desc = 'GitSigns: go to previous hunk' })
-- Actions
map('n', '<leader>hs', gs.stage_hunk, { desc = 'GitSigns: stage hunk' })
map('n', '<leader>hr', gs.reset_hunk, { desc = 'GitSigns: reset hunk' })
map('v', '<leader>hs', function() gs.stage_hunk {vim.fn.line('.'), vim.fn.line('v')} end, { desc = 'GitSigns: stage hunk' })
map('v', '<leader>hr', function() gs.reset_hunk {vim.fn.line('.'), vim.fn.line('v')} end, { desc = 'GitSigns: reset hunk' })
map('v', '<leader>hs', function() gs.stage_hunk { vim.fn.line('.'), vim.fn.line('v') } end,
{ desc = 'GitSigns: stage hunk' })
map('v', '<leader>hr', function() gs.reset_hunk { vim.fn.line('.'), vim.fn.line('v') } end,
{ desc = 'GitSigns: reset hunk' })
map('n', '<leader>hS', gs.stage_buffer, { desc = 'GitSigns: stage buffer' })
map('n', '<leader>hu', gs.undo_stage_hunk, { desc = 'GitSigns: undo stage hunk' })
map('n', '<leader>hR', gs.reset_buffer, { desc = 'GitSigns: reset_buffer' })
map('n', '<leader>hp', gs.preview_hunk, { desc = 'GitSigns: preview hunk' })
map('n', '<leader>hb', function() gs.blame_line{full=true} end, { desc = 'GitSigns: blame line' })
map('n', '<leader>hb', function() gs.blame_line { full = true } end, { desc = 'GitSigns: blame line' })
map('n', '<leader>tb', gs.toggle_current_line_blame, { desc = 'GitSigns: toggle current line blame' })
map('n', '<leader>hd', gs.diffthis, { desc = 'GitSigns: diff this' })
map('n', '<leader>hD', function() gs.diffthis('~') end, { desc = 'GitSigns: diff this' })
map('n', '<leader>td', gs.toggle_deleted, { desc = 'GitSigns: toggle deleted' })
@ -678,17 +698,17 @@ local dap, dapui = require("dap"), require("dapui")
dap.listeners.after.event_initialized["dapui_config"] = function()
dap.listeners.before.event_terminated["dapui_config"] = function()
dap.listeners.before.event_exited["dapui_config"] = function()
-- Handlebars: One way to get syntax highlighting in Handlebars files
local syntax_highlighting_tweaks = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("SyntaxHighlightingTweaks", { clear = true })
{ "BufRead", "BufNewFile" },
@ -721,12 +741,6 @@ require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup({
vim.treesitter.language.register("html", "handlebars")
-- Neodev
library = { plugins = { "nvim-dap-ui" }, types = true },
-- Tweak GitSigns blame color
-- This differentiates the cursorline from the git blame text
vim.cmd("highlight GitSignsCurrentLineBlame gui=bold guifg=#339944")
@ -736,7 +750,7 @@ vim.cmd("highlight NonText gui=bold guifg=#999999")
Resolve conflict between fugitive and LSPSaga, wherein the latter's
breadcrumbs cause a mismatch between the buffer and fugitive's :Git blame
window and :Gvdiffsplit window(s). To kill the winbar (the top line where
the breadcrumbs and this blame title live), enter `:set winbar&`.
the breadcrumbs and this blame title live), enter `:set winbar&`.
local blamegroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("fugitiveSagaBlameConflict", { clear = true })