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Adam Cooper 2023-11-15 09:06:23 -05:00
parent c1e9169c7f
commit cb2da67191
1 changed files with 8 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
HOME = os.getenv("HOME")
-- Configure the clipboard to access the "+ and "* registers
-- (not sure why I need this now and didn't before)
-- N.B. JavaScript copy buttons on the web do not necessarily work as expected
vim.opt.clipboard = "unnamedplus,unnamed"
-- Spaces indentation
vim.opt.expandtab = true
vim.opt.tabstop = 2
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 2
vim.opt.expandtab = true -- converts tabs to spaces
vim.opt.tabstop = 2 -- tab equals 2 spaces
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 2 -- indent size in characters
-- Show whitespace
-- Show whitespace (:list)
vim.opt.listchars = "eol:¬,tab:>-,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<,space:·"
-- Show line numbers
vim.opt.number = true
-- Default: split right
-- Vertically splitting a window (:vsplit) places new window to the right
vim.opt.splitright = true
-- Highlight cursor line
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ vim.opt.termguicolors = true
vim.opt.scrolloff = 5
-- netrw
vim.g.netrw_winsize = 25
-- This is the workspace file explorer
vim.g.netrw_winsize = 25 -- width of the file explorer
vim.g.netrw_liststyle = 3 -- tree style listing
-- Escape exits terminal mode