
140 lines
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if dracula#should_abort()
2018-04-22 22:47:04 +00:00
" Fzf: {{{
if exists('g:loaded_fzf') && ! exists('g:fzf_colors')
let g:fzf_colors = {
\ 'fg': ['fg', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg': ['bg', 'Normal'],
\ 'hl': ['fg', 'Search'],
\ 'fg+': ['fg', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg+': ['bg', 'Normal'],
\ 'hl+': ['fg', 'DraculaOrange'],
\ 'info': ['fg', 'DraculaPurple'],
\ 'border': ['fg', 'Ignore'],
\ 'prompt': ['fg', 'DraculaGreen'],
\ 'pointer': ['fg', 'Exception'],
\ 'marker': ['fg', 'Keyword'],
\ 'spinner': ['fg', 'Label'],
\ 'header': ['fg', 'Comment'],
2018-04-22 22:47:04 +00:00
" ALE: {{{
if exists('g:ale_enabled')
2019-04-30 15:47:29 +00:00
hi! link ALEError DraculaErrorLine
hi! link ALEWarning DraculaWarnLine
hi! link ALEInfo DraculaInfoLine
2019-04-30 15:47:29 +00:00
hi! link ALEErrorSign DraculaRed
hi! link ALEWarningSign DraculaOrange
hi! link ALEInfoSign DraculaCyan
hi! link ALEVirtualTextError Comment
hi! link ALEVirtualTextWarning Comment
" }}}
" CtrlP: {{{
if exists('g:loaded_ctrlp')
hi! link CtrlPMatch IncSearch
hi! link CtrlPBufferHid Normal
" }}}
" GitGutter / gitsigns: {{{
if exists('g:loaded_gitgutter')
hi! link GitGutterAdd DiffAdd
hi! link GitGutterChange DiffChange
hi! link GitGutterDelete DiffDelete
if has('nvim-0.5') && luaeval("pcall(require, 'gitsigns')")
" https://github.com/lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim requires nvim > 0.5
" has('nvim-0.5') checks >= 0.5, so this should be future-proof.
hi! link GitSignsAdd DiffAdd
hi! link GitSignsAddLn DiffAdd
hi! link GitSignsAddNr DiffAdd
hi! link GitSignsChange DiffChange
hi! link GitSignsChangeLn DiffChange
hi! link GitSignsChangeNr DiffChange
hi! link GitSignsDelete DiffDelete
hi! link GitSignsDeleteLn DiffDelete
hi! link GitSignsDeleteNr DiffDelete
" }}}
" Tree-sitter: {{{
" The nvim-treesitter library defines many global highlight groups that are
" linked to the regular vim syntax highlight groups. We only need to redefine
" those highlight groups when the defaults do not match the dracula
" specification.
" https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/blob/master/plugin/nvim-treesitter.vim
if exists('g:loaded_nvim_treesitter')
" # Misc
hi! link TSPunctSpecial Special
" # Constants
hi! link TSConstMacro Macro
hi! link TSStringEscape Character
hi! link TSSymbol DraculaPurple
hi! link TSAnnotation DraculaYellow
hi! link TSAttribute DraculaGreenItalic
" # Functions
hi! link TSFuncBuiltin DraculaCyan
hi! link TSFuncMacro Function
hi! link TSParameter DraculaOrangeItalic
hi! link TSParameterReference DraculaOrange
hi! link TSField DraculaOrange
hi! link TSConstructor DraculaCyan
" # Keywords
hi! link TSLabel DraculaPurpleItalic
" # Variable
hi! link TSVariableBuiltin DraculaPurpleItalic
" # Text
hi! link TSStrong DraculaFgBold
hi! link TSEmphasis DraculaFg
hi! link TSUnderline Underlined
hi! link TSTitle DraculaYellow
hi! link TSLiteral DraculaYellow
hi! link TSURI DraculaYellow
" HTML and JSX tag attributes. By default, this group is linked to TSProperty,
" which in turn links to Identifer (white).
hi! link TSTagAttribute DraculaGreenItalic
" }}}
2021-12-10 03:49:19 +00:00
" nvim-cmp: {{{
" A completion engine plugin for neovim written in Lua.
" https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp
if exists('g:loaded_cmp')
hi! link CmpItemAbbrDeprecated DraculaError
hi! link CmpItemAbbrMatch DraculaFg
hi! link CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy DraculaFg
hi! link CmpItemKindText DraculaFg
hi! link CmpItemKindMethod Function
hi! link CmpItemKindFunction Function
hi! link CmpItemKindConstructor DraculaCyan
hi! link CmpItemKindField DraculaOrange
hi! link CmpItemKindVariable DraculaPurpleItalic
hi! link CmpItemKindClass DraculaCyan
hi! link CmpItemKindInterface DraculaCyan
hi! link CmpItemKindModule DraculaYellow
hi! link CmpItemKindProperty DraculaPink
hi! link CmpItemKindUnit DraculaFg
hi! link CmpItemKindValue DraculaYellow
hi! link CmpItemKindEnum DraculaPink
hi! link CmpItemKindKeyword DraculaPink
hi! link CmpItemKindSnippet DraculaFg
hi! link CmpItemKindColor DraculaYellow
hi! link CmpItemKindFile DraculaYellow
hi! link CmpItemKindReference DraculaOrange
hi! link CmpItemKindFolder DraculaYellow
hi! link CmpItemKindEnumMember DraculaPurple
hi! link CmpItemKindConstant DraculaPurple
hi! link CmpItemKindStruct DraculaPink
hi! link CmpItemKindEvent DraculaFg
hi! link CmpItemKindOperator DraculaPink
hi! link CmpItemKindTypeParameter DraculaCyan
" }}}
" vim: fdm=marker ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 fdl=0: