Related: #192, #210, #248
Also #247 is about `NonText`, which needs investigating.
Issues: `:digraphs`, special keys in `:map` output, and certain parts of
`'listchars'` are "subtle" and hard to read (esp. w/ `cursorline` over
them). Also, vim uses `SpecialKey` for them (instead of `Whitespace` for
`'listchars'` and `SpecialKey` elsewhere, like NeoVim).
Fix: make `SpecialKey` more like special keys (the highlight in vimscript
for, e.g., `map <Space> :echo "hello"<CR>`). This has the side effect of
making digraphs more visible. It also makes certain `'listchars'` pink,
which may be annoying. But there is no way currently to separate the two
in vim.
Rationale: It matches with the special keys in maps. The fact that vim
uses it elsewhere may simply be "wrong" and need changed.
If you don't like it: well, as usual, you can use an autocommand to use
whatever colors you want (`:help dracula-customization`).
Adds LspReference groups so that the reference highlighting feature
works for neovim built-in LSP.
Co-authored-by: Mathew Robinson <>
The variable `g:dracula_undercurl` is not properly defined
when underline attribute is disabled by user configuration:
let g:dracula_underline = 0
The fix always defines missing `g:dracula_undercurl`,
but also disables it when underline is disabled.
I use listings in vim, so it prints invisible characters. However the tab and the space characters are drawn in red, taking too much attention, so I decided to make them subtle. To activate the listing add this to your .vimrc file:
set listchars=eol:¬,tab:>-,trail:~,extends:>,precedes:<,space:·
set list
So you can see the red is really disguising.
* progress on overhaul
* finish scrutinization of languages existing in old colors file
* remove markdown code block highlight due to broken upstream syntax
* add user config globals
* update issue and pull request templates
* small fixes
* fix "illegal value" error when using overrides
* actually fix the attribute filter this time
* add git commit diff colors. closes#46
* remove unnecessary duplicate
* set SignColumn explicitly
* Add a helpfile (#64)
* Ignore the tags file generated by :helptags
* Write the help file
Search and IncSearch having the same colors, this makes it impossible to determine which higlighted search pattern is the active one.
I have changed the incSearch color from "Dracula green" to "Dracula orange".
This is an issue for example with substitute and the confirmation flag enabled: :%s/NONE/orange/cg