
207 lines
6.3 KiB

use env_logger::{Env, Target};
use log::{debug, error, info, log_enabled, warn};
use reqwest;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::{self, BufReader, Write};
use yaserde_derive::{YaDeserialize, YaSerialize};
use yaserde::de::from_str;
fn publicise() {}
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Debug, YaDeserialize)]
rename = "multistatus",
prefix = "d",
namespace = "d: DAV:",
namespace = "nc:",
namespace = "oc:",
namespace = "s:"
pub struct Multistatus {
#[yaserde(prefix = "d")]
response: Vec<NextcloudResponse>,
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Debug, YaDeserialize)]
#[yaserde(rename = "response", prefix = "d", namespace = "d: DAV:")]
pub struct NextcloudResponse {
#[yaserde(prefix = "d")]
// href: Option<String>,
href: String,
#[yaserde(prefix = "d")]
propstat: Vec<Propstat>,
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Debug, YaDeserialize)]
#[yaserde(rename = "propstat", prefix = "d", namespace = "d: DAV:")]
pub struct Propstat {
#[yaserde(prefix = "d")]
prop: Option<Prop>,
#[yaserde(prefix = "d")]
status: Option<String>,
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Debug, YaDeserialize)]
rename = "prop",
namespace = "d: DAV:",
namespace = "oc:"
pub struct Prop {
#[yaserde(prefix = "d", rename = "getlastmodified")]
get_last_modified: Option<String>,
#[yaserde(prefix = "oc")]
permissions: Option<String>,
#[yaserde(prefix = "d", rename = "resourcetype")]
resource_type: Option<ResourceType>,
#[yaserde(prefix = "d", rename = "getetag")]
get_etag: Option<String>,
#[yaserde(prefix = "d", rename = "getcontentlength")]
get_content_length: Option<u32>,
#[yaserde(prefix = "d", rename = "getcontenttype")]
get_content_type: Option<String>,
#[yaserde(prefix = "oc", rename = "share-types")]
share_types: Vec<ShareType>,
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Debug, YaDeserialize)]
#[yaserde(rename = "share-types", namespace = "oc:")]
pub struct ShareType {
#[yaserde(rename = "share-type", prefix = "oc")]
share_type: u8,
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Debug, YaDeserialize)]
#[yaserde(rename = "resourcetype", namespace = "d: DAV:")]
pub struct ResourceType {
#[yaserde(prefix = "d")]
collection: Vec<Collection>,
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Debug, YaDeserialize)]
#[yaserde(rename = "collection", namespace = "d: DAV:")]
pub struct Collection {
#[yaserde(prefix = "d")]
collection: Option<String>,
async fn get_folder_contents(url_tail: &String) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
debug!("Entering: get_folder_contents()");
let password = get_password().unwrap().trim().to_string();
debug!("Received password: {}[END]", password);
let root_url = "";
let method = reqwest::Method::from_bytes(b"PROPFIND").unwrap();
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let url = format!("{}{}", root_url, url_tail);
debug!("url: {}", url);
let body = String::from(
r#"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<d:propfind xmlns:d="DAV:">
<d:prop xmlns:oc="">
let response_text = client
.request(method, url)
.basic_auth("adam", Some(password))
debug!("{:?}", response_text);
async fn traverse(mut result: Multistatus) {
debug!("Entering: traverse()");
// Initialize the indexed "pointer"
let mut current_index: usize = 0;
let mut already_visited: bool;
// Initialize the hashmap of visited items (by etag?)
let mut visited_items = HashMap::new();
if let Some(prop) = &mut result.response[0].propstat[0].prop {
if let Some(etag) = &prop.get_etag {
visited_items.insert(etag, true);
} else {
current_index += 1;
} else {
current_index += 1;
// Depth first traversal
while current_index < (&mut result.response).len() {
match &mut result.response[current_index].propstat[0].prop {
Some(prop) => {
match &prop.get_etag {
Some(etag) => {
// 2022-02-17 When I tried to add the next bit here,
// the borrow checker objected to mutable borrows in
// lines 136 and 147.
// As a result, I should try to get this working
// without `Option<T>` first.
_ => println!("Something's happening.")
_ => println!("Something's happening.")
fn get_password() -> Result<String, std::io::Error> {
print!("Nextcloud password: ");
let mut buffer = String::new();
let stdin = io::stdin();
match stdin.read_line(&mut buffer) {
Ok(_) => Ok(buffer),
Err(error) => Err(error),
fn indent(size: usize) -> String {
const INDENT: &'static str = " ";
.map(|_| INDENT)
.fold(String::with_capacity(size * INDENT.len()), |r, s| r + s)
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
// use yaserde::de::from_str;
println!("Publicise it!");
let folder_contents: String =
// get_folder_contents("/nextcloud/remote.php/dav/files/adam/test_public/2019_test_public")
debug!("{:?}", folder_contents);
let mut result: Multistatus = from_str(&folder_contents).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", result);