2022-08-24 04:07:33 -04:00

22 lines
975 B

- FIXED The both method of installing fzf has left me without the `:Files` func-
- FIXED diff-so-fancy
- FIXED What's really not working is nvm. If you install it with bash, zsh can't see
- add source $HOME/.cargo/env - does this persist or must I add it to .zshrc?
- chsh not working?
- N.B. .bashrc Linux, .bash_profile Mac
- FIXED After the install script runs, the user needs to install the vim plugins by
opening vim and running :PlugInstall - how do you get the pid of the latest
process or a particular process?
- FIXED tmux powerline doesn't work out of the box
- FIXED? nvm - not working right? Time to add the filigree!
- FIXED Maybe we need a post-install script for nvm install lts/dubnium and nvm
use lts/dubnium, and then npm install -g typescript, and then exhort the user
to run vim and ycm.
- FIXED make aptitude install vim et al automatically accept without user input
- FIXED same with rust
- FIXED do existence tests before mv