1,010 B
FIXED The both method of installing fzf has left me without the
func- tionality. -
FIXED diff-so-fancy
FIXED What's really not working is nvm. If you install it with bash, zsh can't see it.
add source $HOME/.cargo/env - does this persist or must I add it to .zshrc?
chsh not working?
N.B. .bashrc Linux, .bash_profile Mac
FIXED After the install script runs, the user needs to install the vim plugins by opening vim and running :PlugInstall - how do you get the pid of the latest process or a particular process?
FIXED tmux powerline doesn't work out of the box
FIXED? nvm - not working right? Time to add the filigree!
FIXED Maybe we need a post-install script for nvm install lts/dubnium and nvm use lts/dubnium, and then npm install -g typescript, and then exhort the user to run vim and ycm.
FIXED make aptitude install vim et al automatically accept without user input
FIXED same with rust
FIXED do existence tests before mv
Make sure ssh is working now lol