Signed-off-by: Tim Hårek Andreassen <tim@harek.no>
1.2 KiB
1.2 KiB
Get the weather delivered to your command-line, or use as a Go package.
The project uses Meteorologisk institutt's public API, LocationForecast
and OpenStreetMap's Nominatim API.
# Get help
yr --help
# Current forecast for location
yr now bergen
# Or with a space
yr now "new york"
# Forecast for multiple hours
yr forecast "new york"
# Forecast for next 5 hours
yr forecast "new york" -i 5
# Open forecast in your web browser
yr forecast "new york" --web
# Open now in your web browser
yr now "new york" --web
As a package
import "git.sr.ht/~timharek/yr/yr"
func weather() {
y := yr.New()
now := y.Now("bergen")
// Use the data
Anyone can contribute to yr. Please refer to the contribution guidelines.
Send patches to the mailing list, report bugs on the issue tracker.